Зимнее настроение на озере Санкт-Морица
Sunny winter vibes in the Alps. The best place to spend a beautiful day like this in early December is the lake.
Sunny winter vibes in the Alps. The best place to spend a beautiful day like this in early December is the lake.
As a preview what your next winter weekend could be like, read how Graham enjoys the valley and PPM takes care oft he rest…. An
The year is drawing to a close and as ever during the festive season the PPM team is looking for ways to give back and
In front of the PPM Office and the Badrutts Palace as well as our top rental Villas and properties we have a beautiful playground for
Подпишитесь на нашу сезонную рассылку, чтобы быть в курсе новостей и получать наши новости и исключительные предложения.
Via dal Bagn 22, 7500 Санкт-Мориц, Швейцария
Телефон для бронирований: +41 81 834 41 87
Офисный телефон: +41 81 833 02 02
Почта для бронирований: booking@ppmstmoritz.com
Электронная почта: info@ppmstmoritz.com