Supercars in St. Moritz

Elegant oldtimers and most exclusive sport cars are an integral part of the summer engadine landscape. Stunning scenery, winding mountain passes, challenging driving conditions, prestigious setting and excellent facilities make St. Moritz and the Engadin valley a perfect location for any driving event.

St. Moritz and the Engadin are renowned for breathtaking landscapes: stunning alpine views with snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and picturesque lakes are making it a visually spectacular backdrop for any car rally. The diverse and challenging terrain with winding mountain roads, sharp turns, and varying elevations provides an exciting driving experience, challenges drivers’ skills and adds an element of adventure.

The region boasts excellent infrastructure, including well-maintained roads, top-notch hospitality & gourmet scene, as well as numerous event facilities. Hosting a car rally in such a prestigious location adds to the event’s allure and attracts a high-profile audience, including car enthusiasts and affluent participants.

No matter if you are an exceptional car owner or an enthusiast whose passion is photo shooting of beautiful and rare automobiles, you must add several car events to your agenda.

Start the summer with British Classic Car Meeting (4th – 7th July 2024), the annual event that celebrates classic British automobiles. Follow with Passione Engadina (23rd – 25th August 2024) that attracts enthusiasts and collectors of iconic Italian marques. At the beginning of Autumn, the International St. Moritz Automobile Week (26th – 29th September 2024) honors the heritage and culture of classic and vintage cars and consists of several events such as Bernina Grand Turismo race, Kilomètre Lancé usually held in the Engadin airport, Super Stick Shift rally and St. Motor show. St. Moritz snow season hosts another exceptional car aficionados’ event: the ICE, taking place on the frozen lake. Each of the above events features scenic drives through the Swiss Alps, a Concours d’Elegance, and various social gatherings.

Engadin roads are as well the preferred location for factory test drives and clients’ driving events from the most famous car producers such as Aston Martin, Porsche, Audi, BMW to name just a few. Private supercar clubs from all over the world include St. Moritz and its surrounding passes into Europe rally programs.

Would you also enjoy cruising the Alps in a beautiful old-timer or take a drive on snow with a Lancia Delta Integrale like Miki Biasion? Or maybe you even like the idea to drive a different car every now and then? Then we have the right insider tip for you. Become a member of the Scuderia MaunaLej Club and you will have access to a portfolio of some exceptional cars. Their concept store offers as well some great gifts for car owners, from leather accessories by K&YFOB to unique Driwen by Memories keychains.

Photo credit: British Classic Car Meeting, Passione Engadina, St. Moritz Automobile Week, Scuderia MaunaLej Club.

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